Articles and Interviews
Interview for Prague International in English: Ukrainian artists' support programme after the 24Feb2022 - Czech Center Kyiv
20/04/2022 11:15
As you said, you are now in charge of Czech Centre Kyiv in exile. What is the focus of your work at the moment?
“When I was evacuated I thought we could still go on with our cultural programming back in Ukraine, but of course with the war we had to change everything.
“So, together with my...
Radka Rubilina's poetry was included into the anthology of the Czech poetry in Russian translation
Radka Rubilina's poetry translated into Russian by Adela Ciljakova and published in an anthology "Pearls of Czech poetry"
12/04/2017 13:10
В скором времени в Ташкенте состоится презентация нового поэтического сборника "Жемчужины чешской поэзии"
Издательство Национальной библиотеки Узбекистана выпустило этот хорошо иллюстрированный сборник только что в честь 24-ой годовщины установления дипломатических отношений...
Radka Bzonkova: Articles about Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia
Поэтика документальности Шаламов – Пушкин - Терц. Радка Рубилина (Бзонкова)
28/02/2017 12:36
Насколько можно (или нужно) говорить в случае лагерной литературы о документальности? Многие лагерные авторы воспринимают себя как «свидетелей эпохи»: пишут мемуары, рассказы, романы. Несмотря на их заверения, до сих пор продолжаются дискуссии о том, насколько они в своих произведениях...
Radka Rubilina /Bzonkova/: The Maidan’s Occasional Newsletter, March 22, 2014
03/03/2015 15:42
“You are being a part of history”, John, the initiator of the entire project, started his speech. “Whose history?” Immediately I wanted to contradict certain pathos in his voice. But, I bit my tongue. After all, this is a very first day of our mission in Ukrainian…
Before the local security...
Premiere in Forest (Free theater), Belarus 2008, Radka Rubilina
04/08/2014 09:12
A friend have promised us a premiere of a new play by a ‘prohibited’ (underground) theatre performed in some family house somewhere on the periphery. By the time we took a bus and got to the assigned meeting spot, we were already late for more than a half an hour. The friend was gone. Though he...
The Olympics in Sochi 2014, toilets and a different point of view. Radka Rubilina, 2014
26/05/2014 15:19
For me a symbol of the Olympics in Sochi, thanks to the social media, has become the shared restrooms and painted green grass. A picture showing several toilets in one room without anything that would be even slightly suggestive of a divider have been published by Indian media about a week before...
What Is Trust Worth? Radka Rubilina, Kyrgyzstan 2013
15/05/2014 13:38
From a certain point of view people can be divided into two groups:
Those who usually do not trust people and with any given opportunity they will try to prove the legitimacy of their point. And those who usually do trust people and with any given opportunity they will try to prove the legitimacy...
How I almost got into a fight, Moldova, 2007 - Radka Rubilina
01/05/2014 13:32
In Moldova, in Kishinev/Chisinau, I was waiting for a microbus (also known as marshrutka) that would take me to the opposite side of the city. In Kishinev, public transportation does not exist; it came to the end together with the Soviet Union. Like anywhere in the East, the heavily producing...
Radka Rubilina: New Year’s Troubles, Armenia 2013/14
30/03/2014 21:26
Oh, this inattentiveness of mine!
With my head always somewhere in high transcendent spheres, no wonder things were happening the way they were. I get groceries, go back home, take a look at my bag, and…all apples I fully and dully paid for are missing. I am thinking, “Are the local salesmen...
Radka Rubilina: The State Border, Ukraine 2007
19/03/2014 16:42
Monitoring of an election process can be very thrilling, though not really in case you have been assigned to an uninhabited land strip alongside the Ukraine – Russia state border; not much of the election thrill you can expect here. Election observers tend to serve in pairs and this time I was...
Radka Rubilina: Car Driving Try-out, Armenia, Yerevan 2013
13/03/2014 12:35
I have been driving since 18 years old. But this is a new job and rules are rules, so I had to pass an exam on driving again. One of the local drivers was sitting next to me, observing how and if I can open a car with a remote key control. “And what is this?” teasing him, I pointed at the hand...
Radka Rubilina: Stone Symphony / Death of a Hen, Armenia 2013
06/03/2014 13:31
You cannot overlook them already in the capitol city, which is so unsuitable for riding a bike; and not only because of the quick-tempered car and truck drivers. It is mainly because of all those ever present bumps and inclines, steep valleys and rock walls, which rip the city up into...
Articles about Russian literature (in English, German, Russian languages)
Радка Бзонкова: Гамлеты в ватниках - Несколько слов о русской и чешской лагерной литературе /послесловие антологии Эхо ГУЛАГА, Прага, Москва 2013/
05/08/2013 14:02
Объявите меня каким угодно инструментом,
вы можете расстроить меня,
но играть на мне нельзя.
Радка Бзонкова: В отсутствие публики, в присутствии читателя (Варлам Шаламов и Анна Баркова)
05/08/2013 13:53
Проблематика отношения автора, повествователя и читателя в текстах Варлама Шаламова по сравнению с другими лагерными авторами — особенно сложна. Елена Михайлик видит в этом отношении результат глубоко присущего, твёрдого убеждения автора, что лагерный опыт для человека является вредным,...
Radka Bzonkova: Eduard Limonov: Romantiker und Faschist: Ėduard Limonov und die Ästhetisierung der Politik durch die Nationalbolschewistische Partei in Russland
05/08/2013 13:48
Ėduard Limonov ist ein bekannter russischer Schriftsteller und seit den frühen 1990er Jahren in der russischen Politik tätig. Seit 1994 ist er Vorsitzender und, seiner eigenen Darstellung zufolge, „Führer“ der Nationalbolschewistischen Partei (NBP). Diese Partei vereinigt radikale Linke und Rechte...
Die Hauptsache ist die Dreistigkeit zu haben, zu wissen, dass es Verse sind… Konflikte und Widerstand in der russischen Kultur der 1960er und 70er Jahre in der Sowjetunion
05/08/2013 13:41
In der Forschung über und in Erinnerungen an den Widerstand in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion dominieren bis heute zwei grundsätzliche Zugänge: Auf der einen Seite gibt eine Widerstandsauffassung, die sich auf die Dissidentenbewegung bezieht; Konflikt oder Widerstand wird hier begriffen als ethische...